Testimonials Form

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Rate Your Overall Experience(*)
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1="Extremely Displeased" 2="Displeased" 3="No Opinion" 4="Satisfied (Might Recommend)" 5="Extremely Satisfied (Will Recommend)"

Would you like to review a Service?
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N/A="Did Not Recieve Service" 1="Extremely Disliked" 2="Disliked, but Manageable" 3="No Opinion" 4="Might Recommend" 5="Would Definitely Recommend"

Permit-Related Services(*)
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N/A="Did Not Recieve Service" 1="Extremely Disliked" 2="Disliked, but Manageable" 3="No Opinion" 4="Might Recommend" 5="Would Definitely Recommend"

Sign Installation(*)
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N/A="Did Not Recieve Service" 1="Extremely Disliked" 2="Disliked, but Manageable" 3="No Opinion" 4="Might Recommend" 5="Would Definitely Recommend"

Additional Comments
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List comments, concerns, likes, dislikes, etc. Anything you can here

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Look/ Feel Of Website(*)
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1 ="Hate" 2 ="Manageable" 3 ="Neutral" 4 ='Like it" 5 ="Love it"

Ease of Use(*)
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1 ="Hate" 2 ="Manageable" 3 ="Neutral" 4 ='Like it" 5 ="Love it"

Ability to Find Information(*)
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1 ="Impossible" 2 ="Manageable" 3 ="Neutral" 4 ='Easy" 5 ="No Problem"

Select One Please

1 ="Hate" 2 ="Manageable" 3 ="Neutral" 4 ='Like it" 5 ="Love it"

What Do you Not Like About Our Website?
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Maybe there are things about our website that bug you, or don't look/feel right, or maybe somethings more difficult than it could be. Or, maybe you think its missing something, tell us all you can, anything is appreciated!

What DO you like about the website?
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Be as detailed as possible, tell us anything about the site that comes to mind Anything that caught you're eye or couldn't stop staring at. Any information will be appreciated!

Would you like to Review something else? (person, etc)
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Tell us More(*)
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Tell us who, or what the subject of the review is, include names, services, anything.

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